Personal AI English Tutor for Ages 3-18

1-on-1, Interactive English Classes

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Woman using a mobile phone

Cartoon AI Tutors that Get Kids Motivated

Our fun cartoon AI tutors will fully engage the kids in learning and help them fall in love with English!

Woman using a mobile phone

Daily 10-min Classes Personalized for Each

Kids will speak only English in our 10-minute daily class. AI tutors will monitor the kids, correct them, answer their questions, and ensure they improve.

Woman using a mobile phone
Woman using a mobile phone
Woman using a mobile phone

Expert-designed, Progressive Curriculum

Over 1,000 exclusive picture books and interactive games covering literature, math, science, culture, and socioemotional learning.

Create your own books & activities

Create your own
books & lessons

Want kids to explore their Irish roots, learn about tow trucks, or prepare for a dentist visit? With Heeyo's AI tools, build unique books and lessons that cover topics that schools don't teach.

Heepa Helps Kids
Read More Everyday

Heeyo Helps Kids
Read More Everyday

Personal AI tutor for kids 3-8

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